Now that energy drinks are a staple for millions of people, some consumers are looking for a healthier alternative to popular brands that are loaded with artificial colors, preservatives, sweeteners, or other undesirable ingredients. Thanks to the excellent energy-boosting power of matcha, or powdered green tea, it is now possible for anyone at home to whip up a batch of heart-revving energy drinks.
Matcha Green Tea Powder
Originally formulated in Japan for that country’s culturally-important and elegant tea ceremonies, matcha is a dried and powdered version of green tea leaves. Matcha starts by preparing special shade-grown bushes, covering them from sunlight to prevent damage during the last three weeks before harvest. This process slows down the growth levels of the tea leaves, stimulating them to increase chlorophyll production, which turns the leaves a richer shade of green. Once the finest leaves are hand-picked, the leaves are laid out to dry during a special curing process, and all of the veins, stems, and impurities are removed. The crumbly dried tea fragments are then stone ground to make the brilliant green powdered tea known as matcha.
Today, people have the benefit of buying matcha anywhere in the world. Consumers who try this delicious concoction quickly become enamored of the rich, smooth taste combined with a heady kick of caffeine and other stimulants. By buying bulk green tea powder, people can save a lot of money while indulging daily in their favorite matcha drinks.
Below are a few recipes for making your own energy drinks at home. Be sure to stock up on bulk green tea powder because once you try these, you’ll never go back to those commercial brands again.
Matcha and Honey
This drink is simple to make, and doesn’t require a blender or other special equipment. With the addition of honey, you’ll get a sweet treat that’ll give you lasting energy throughout the day.
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon of honey
2 teaspoons powdered green tea (matcha)
1 lime
Squeeze the juice from the lime and discard the flesh
Dissolve the matcha powder in the water
Add the honey
Place in a bottle and shake vigorously until well-mixed
While some people prefer to make bigger batches of this and store in the refrigerator, for best results it is advisable to make this drink whenever you need a quick boost.
Zero Calorie Matcha Energy Drink
This recipe combines the low-calorie benefits of liquid stevia with the lifting powers of matcha. Very simple to make, and perfect for the person on the go.
16-20 ounces of water
1/4 teaspoon of powdered green tea (matcha)
3 drops of liquid stevia
Place all ingredients in a travel bottle
Shake vigorously until all the ingredients have been fully dissolved.
Be sure to keep shaking until everything is fully dissolved to avoid unpleasant clumps. It is recommended that you use a BPA-free or glass bottle for best results. Can be made in five minutes or less, perfect for busy people on the go.
Simple Matcha Energy Drink
This recipe is so simple that it can be made in about a minute or less. Perfect for people who don’t want to have to buy a ton of ingredients in order to enjoy the benefits of matcha.
16 ounces of cold water
1 teaspoon of powdered green tea (matcha)
1 splash of lemon or [easyazon_link identifier=”B002ACC8II” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”matcsecr0e-20″]yuzu juice[/easyazon_link], to taste
Fill a travel bottle with water
Add matcha and juice
Shake vigorously until ingredients are dissolved
Because you’re adding the matcha powder to cold water, the matcha will never quite ever fully dissolve. Be sure to shake vigorously before drinking, and any time you see a small layer of green powder at the bottom of the bottle.
Iced Matcha Energy Drink
This recipe calls for ice cubes, perfect for a hot day or after a strenuous workout at the gym.
20 ounces of water and ice cubes
1/2 teaspoon powdered green tea (matcha)
3 drops liquid stevia
juice of 1/2 a lime
Place all ingredients in a travel bottle
Shake vigorously until all ingredients are fully dissolved
Serve and enjoy!
Because matcha dissolves less well in cold water, be sure to shake until most of the powder has been fully dissolved.
Matcha Chia Energy Drink
This recipe takes advantage of the unique beneficial properties of maca and chia seeds to add a unique twist to the energy drink.
1 cup almond milk
1/4 cup chia seeds (soaked overnight)
1 teaspoon powdered green tea (matcha)
1 teaspoon maca powder
1 pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 teaspoons coconut sugar
Combine all ingredients in a jar or covered container
Shake vigorously until everything is dissolved
Best served chilled.
Matcha Green Tea Shots
Nothing quite serves up a powerful punch like a quick shot of matcha tea shots, which instantly delivers enough energy to sustain you for a few hours. Check out my Matcha Shots Shots Shots post for some wicked shots that deliver a blast of energy.
Have you tried one of these energy boosting drinks? How did you feel? Let us know in the comments section below!