Amazing Weight Loss Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

The Japanese secret to weight loss and weight maintenance is out: Matcha Green Tea.

For more than a thousand years, the Japanese have been consuming matcha and they have good reason to! In Japan, matcha is used for intricate tea ceremonies and for everyday consumption. Now, in the West, the benefits of matcha green tea are trending and quickly becoming a North American tradition due the its miraculous results in weight loss and weight maintenance.

Studies Prove Matcha’s Calorie Burning Capabilities

In 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition featured a study that showed consuming green tea accelerated calorie burning from 8 percent to 43 percent. This is partly due to the presence of catechins in the tea. Catechins are natural antioxidant flavonoids from the plant family. These flavonoids are present in food such as raspberries, blackberries and others. One of the differences between the catechins found in matcha green tea and other foods, is that matcha green tea has only three calories per gram. This fact makes it a low-calorie beverage that further promotes weight loss efforts.

Regular Green Tea is No Match for Matcha

The presence of catechins in matcha green tea are unique because it’s more concentrated than many other teas. A 2003 report by authors DJ Weiss and CR Anderton showed that in a dry leaf comparison, matcha green tea is at least three times more potent than regular green tea, and 137 times more powerful than China Green Tea Tips green tea.

Body Fat Reduction During Exercise

For exercisers, there’s great promise in fat reduction after consuming matcha green tea before working out. Dr. Sara Solomon, wrote an article titled, “The 8 Wonders Of Macha Green Tea,” which talked about this. Studies showed that you can burn up to 25 percent more calories while exercising or weight lifting if you drink matcha green tea before you work out.

An Added Weight Loss Benefit: A Fat Blocker

Matcha green tea attaches to fat cells and blocks more fat cells from the body, thereby eliminating fat as waste. This fact ties into a paper written by author K. Morita who focused on a study conducted in 1968. For five days, rats ate a diet that contained 10 percent matcha tea. The rats had more toxins and unwanted by-products excreted as waste than the group of rats that didn’t get matcha green tea.

Better Tea Absorption Alleviates Constipation

Weight retention due to constipation is a dieter’s enemy. If you’re constipated, you’re retaining weight. Matcha green tea can help reduce bloat associated with constipation because its fiber is easy to digest.

About Popular Matcha Green Tea Recipes

With the growing fame of matcha green tea, comes a variety of new recipes. As such, “matcha cafes” are popping up offering new concoctions made from the tea. It’s true that matcha green tea lattes are tasty. Don’t forget that due to the added sugar, one serving can contain up to 200 calories. Moderation is key my friends. You can always check out my healthy Matcha Green Tea Smoothies that I drink every day.

Overall, this miraculous soothing tea from the East is now here in the West to stay. Use the awesome benefits matcha tea to reach your weight loss goals and to maintain your ideal weight. Start a new tradition and enjoy a cup of matcha green tea today.

Have you taken matcha green tea while dieting or working out? How do you feel? Tell us in the comment section!

4 thoughts on “Amazing Weight Loss Benefits of Matcha Green Tea”

  1. Anika Kesterson

    Amazing, thanks for posting this. Tea not only helps us to lose weight also it helps us to remove toxins on our body.

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